The Cost Breast Augmentation

Surgery to enlarge the breast involves several costs and is not the same with the forehead contouring [เสริมหน้าผาก which is the term in Thai]. The pure operation causes costs of at least 3,500 dollars. But breast augmentation involves more than surgery. Material, anesthetics, follow-up treatment can raise the costs to 6,000 dollars.

In some cases, the breast should be tightened in addition to the enlargement – this makes the whole treatment even more expensive. Who bears the cost of breast augmentation? Whether you have to bear the costs yourself or whether the health insurance pays for it, depends on the costs. The pure operation of a breast size enlargement surgery [ทำนม โคราช which is the term in Thai] causes costs of at least 3,500 dollars. But breast augmentation involves more than surgery. Material, anesthetics, follow-up treatment can raise the costs to 6,000 dollars. In some cases, the breast should be tightened in addition to the enlargement – this makes the whole treatment even more expensive. If breast implants are used for medical reasons, for example, to restore the breast after a cancer operation, then the statutory health insurance will cover the costs for breast surgery.

If breast implants are used for medical reasons, for example, to restore the breast after a cancer operation, then the statutory health insurance will cover the costs for breast surgery. If you want a breast augmentation for purely aesthetic reasons, you have to bear the costs yourself. Also, if problems arise in the episode, you have to pay the resulting costs yourself. One should be aware of this before embarking on the venture breast augmentation.

Before a breast augmentation surgery can begin, it must be decided where the implant should sit (above or below the pectoral muscle), at which point the incision is made (armpit, nipple, under the breast) and what kind of Breast implant should be used.