Drop Weight! Feel Great! According To Celeb Author Dr. Keshia Gaines

Obesity is a modern century problem that is not only rising in top countries of the world, but it is spreading everywhere, and people are desperate to find a solution. Most of the nutritionists and dieticians blame the modern trend of fast food as well as cold drinks and other similar beverages for these occurrences. Most people do not understand the fundamentals of nutrition and what they should do if they are willing to lose weight.

Dr. Keshia Gaines, a brilliant education expert and magazine editorial director has some great tips in her famous magazine https://www.facebook.com/drgainesmagazine.

Fundamentals of Weight Loss

The human body breaks all types of foods into mainly two types of fuels from which it gets daily energy. Those two are glucose and fat. An average person every single day requires somewhere around 2000 to 2500 calories to maintain their body weight. Most of the people, however, consume much more than the required energy amount and this excess gets stored as fat.

Best Diet Ever!

Many types of diets can help someone if they are willing to put up a little dedication and go along with easy weight loss practices. What is the best diet? What type of diet does Dr. Keshia Gaines use? The best diets include antioxidant foods, fruits, and vegetables like blueberries, spinach, and whole grains.

Diet shakes are very helpful in controlling hunger for more than four hours. Diet shakes are balanced and rich in calcium and proteins. You can add fruits, yogurt, and cottage cheese. Fresh vegetables, meats, and nuts should be included in your diet to supplement diet shakes.

Modern Diets and Their Importance in Losing Weight

As Dr. Keshia Gaines explains in her magazine, getting rid of bad sources of glucose and carbohydrates can help a lot in cutting off the extra calories that people consume every day. Easy sources of glucose like ice creams, processed chocolates, and cold drinks can spike up the level of glucose in someone’s blood and it will provide a lot of calories. However, as it contains almost no nutritional value, it will contribute to the saturated fat in your body. The same goes for processed food that brings a lot of carbs.

Read The Dr. Keshia Gaines Magazine!

Carbohydrates inevitably break into glucose which again fuels the basic energy chain of the human body. If someone is not willing to get rid of carbohydrates and sugars, it will almost be impossible for them to lose weight. Abiding by the guidelines and quick tip lists in The Dr. Keshia Gaines Magazine can help you structure your weight loss plan. For further information, follow Dr. Gaines’s Twitter page at https://twitter.com/Dr_KGaines. Would you like a copy of this archived magazine issue from MagCloud?  It is available for $4.99! Plus, you get a FREE digital version with the purchase of print copies at https://www.magcloud.com/browse/issue/1598975