What Kind Of Influencer Marketing You Can Now Expect? Follow Jerome Gerodias

Influencer marketing is a marketing strategy allowing a company to promote its product or service by relying on the notoriety of experts and recognized personalities in their field, influencers or opinion leaders, so that ‘they distribute the brand’s content to their community. The phenomenon of democratization of influence will increase in 2021. Now Jerome Gerodias one of the most well known names there.

What Does Influencer Marketing Represent In 2021?

In 2019, The Morning Consult published a study on influence. The latter concerns 2,000 young Americans between the ages of 13 and 38. The study reveals that 72% of this target follows influencers. In terms of interests, the finding is clear: men prefer gaming, sport and food, while women are interested in beauty, fashion and food.

On the media side, YouTube and Instagram are the two popular media for following influencers. Still, Instagram is the preferred network for women, while men are more drawn to YouTube. On the 13-16 year old target, TikTok is used more than Facebook and Twitter, but remains behind Snapchat, Instagram and YouTube. TikTok is also gaining more and more ground on all targets and therefore also with brands.

Finally, according to the HubSpot report of influencer marketing figures in 2019, 82% of professionals consider the leads generated by an influencer marketing campaign to be of better quality. When it comes to return on investment, influencer marketing outperforms traditional advertising with an 11 times higher ROI.

Influencer marketing aims to increase brand awareness and image, as well as consumer engagement and loyalty. It is moreover by noting the dynamics of this sector whether in terms of audiences or expenditure of advertisers that is decided to launch. As an entrepreneur Jerome offers his best support there.

What Is The Profile Of Influencers In 2021?

Influencers are not all at the same level. We can then classify them according to the size of their community and the associated impact in terms of engagement. There are then four categories of influencers. Some can be business tycoons and someone can be pastry chef.

Finally, mega-influencers, celebrities, artists and sportsmen are characterized by more than 500,000 followers with high reach, low engagement rate and high prices. Second, macro-influencers have between 100,000 and 500,000 subscribers, and are characterized by high visibility. Third, micro-influencers are close to their audience, between 10,000 and 100,000 subscribers. This audience is highly segmented, with a high engagement rate. Last but not least, the nano-influencers. They have an audience of less than 10,000 subscribers, but generate a high engagement and conversion rate, at very low prices.